We have organized a casual coach social gathering at Black Bear Neighbourhood Pub (1177 Lynn Valley Road, North Vancouver, BC) on Tuesday, March 5, 2019 at 7:00 PM
Hopefully you can make it if you plan on volunteering or already are an NSBA coach or assistant. There is a food and beverage menu at a cost of only $20 per person.
The intent is to have an informal get together so we can meet each other, bounce ideas, ask questions and perhaps get a few valuable coaching tips from some of the “old” coaches who have been involved in youth baseball for some time.
My name is Bryan Altenburg, I am a founding NSBA Board member and “Coach Liaison”. This role is meant to offer all coaches a facilitator to be available for all questions/issues that one may encounter as a youth baseball coach.
I hope we have a great turnout so please send me a confirmation email that you will attend so I can save a seat for you!
Bryan Altenburg
NSBA Board Member – Coach Liaison
North Shore Baseball Association