Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct – BC Minor Baseball

13.01 BC Minor Baseball Code of Conduct – Manager, Coach, & Player

BC Minor Baseball is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect. Furthermore, BC Minor Baseball supports equal opportunity and prohibits discriminatory practices. Members are expected to conduct themselves at all times in a manner consistent with the values of BC Minor Baseball. Members may be subject to sanctions according to BC Minor Baseball Discipline Policy for engaging in any of the following behavior:

  1. not complying with the rules, regulations or policies of BC Minor Baseball, as adopted and amended from time to time;
  2. deliberately disregarding the Rules of Baseball as amended from time to time;
  3. verbally or physically abusing an opponent, officials, umpires, spectators, or sponsors;
  4. showing disrespect to officials, including the use of foul language and obscene or offensive gestures;
  5. abusing playing equipment or playing area;
  6. failing to comply with the conditions of entry of an event including any rules with regard to eligibility or advertising;
  7. using tobacco products on-field at any BC Minor Baseball sanctioned competition;
  8. any other unreasonable conduct which brings the game into disrepute, including but not limited to, abusive use of alcohol, non-medical use of drugs, use of alcohol by minors. The B.C.M.B.A. Code of Conduct shall govern all disciplinary matters to the extent that it conflicts with or augments the Code of Conduct of any Association.

Note: This code of conduct applies to all sanctioned baseball activities including but not limited to practices, players/coaches watching games as a spectator, and off-field conduct during team sanctioned road trips.

13.02 Examples of Minor Infractions
  1. a single incident of disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist or sexist comments or behavior directed towards others, including but not limited to peers, opponents, athletes, coaches, officials, administrators, spectators and sponsors;
  2. unsportsmanlike conduct such as angry outbursts or arguing;
  3. non-compliance with the rules and regulations under which BC Minor Baseball events are conducted
13.03 Examples of Major Infractions
  1. repeated incidents or disrespectful, offensive, abusive, racist, or sexist, comments or behavior directed towards others, including but not limited to peers, opponents, athletes, coaches, officials, administrators, spectators and sponsors.
  2. playing under an assumed name, falsifying an affidavit or roster, or giving false information to tournament officials;
  3. knowingly participating while ineligible;
  4. knowingly competing with or against players who have been disqualified;
  5. repeated unsportsmanlike conduct such as angry outbursts or arguing;
  6. activities or behavior which interfere with a competition or with any athlete’s preparation for a competition;
  7. pranks, jokes or other activities which endanger the safety of others;
  8. deliberate disregard for the rules and regulations under which BC Minor Baseball events are conducted, whether at the local or provincial level;
  9. abusive use of alcohol where abuse means a level of consumption which impairs the individual ability to speak, walk or drive; causes the individual to behave in a disruptive manner; or interferes with the individual’s ability to perform effectively and safely;
  10. any use of alcohol by minors
  11. any use of illicit drugs and narcotics
  12. use of banned performance enhancing drugs or methods
  13. any physical contact with an umpire or other game official
  14. coaches or associations recruiting players who reside in another association’s territory. Recruiting is defined as any communication with a family regarding another program and/or the opportunity to play in another program.

Note: When an association does not field a team at the AAA level their players may be contacted about opportunities to play in another association at that level only. Players who reside in open territory may be recruited.

Note: When an association cuts players from their 15U (Bantam) AAA team these players may be contacted by other 15U (Bantam) AAA teams about opportunities to play in other associations at that level only. It is the responsibility of each coach to verify (through email) that the player has been cut from the other association’s 15U (Bantam) AAA team prior to any recruiting occurring. This verification could be in email form. Coaches are to cut players in writing so players/parents can forward this email as confirmation to other coaches they wish to speak to.

13.04 Tobacco Products

The use of tobacco products, including smokeless tobacco/e-cigarettes, illegal substances and alcoholic beverages in any form, is prohibited on the playing field, benches, dugouts, or any area within the boundaries of the park by players, managers, coaches, umpires or any official. PENALTY: Automatic ejection from the game.

13.05 Behavior Expectations

Players, managers or coaches engaging or persisting in conduct or actions unfavorable to the spirit, principles and objectives of good sportsmanship shall receive one warning from the umpire. If the offense or offenses continue, offender or offenders will be removed from the game.

13.06 Power to Suspend – Discipline

The B.C.M.B.A. disciplinary committee shall have the power to suspend any coach, manager, parent, or other team official violating the provisions of Rule 13. This committee will conduct an investigation as they deem appropriate and will communicate their decision to the individual being suspended and the association president.

Any decision made by the disciplinary committee may be appealed through the appeal process outlined in Rule 16. A suspension will be held in abeyance until the appeal is heard (except indefinite suspensions for physical contact with umpires or the playing of illegal players).

13.07 Provincial Championship – Discipline

Ejections of a coach, manager, player, parent, or other team official during a Provincial Championship do not carry an automatic one game suspension at any level of play and are instead reviewed by the B.C.M.B.A. director in charge of the Championship who will determine if a suspension is warranted. The B.C.M.B.A. director has the authority to use this process during a provincial championship to conduct an investigation into any incident to witnessed or dealt with by the umpires.

The following disciplinary process will be used:

  1. The B.C.M.B.A. will receive a written ejection report from the umpire.
  2. The B.C.M.B.A. director (may also include umpire in chief) will meet in private with the ejected individual and one other team official.
  3. The ejected individual will have an opportunity to read the umpire’s report and provide his perspective to the B.C.M.B.A. director.
  4. The B.C.M.B.A. director will then determine whether further discipline is warranted and will advise the Head Coach of the decision in private.

Note: The B.C.M.B.A. director has the power issue a suspension for the duration of the Provincial Championship. Should a director feel a further suspension is warranted they will refer the matter to the B.C.M.B.A. disciplinary committee at the conclusion of the tournament.

Parent Code of Conduct – BC Minor Baseball

13.08 Parent Code of Conduct

Parents and spectators attending B.C.M.B.A. sanctioned events are expected to role model appropriate behavior for the youth players competing on the field. When conflict situations occur, parents and spectators are expected to resolve the conflict appropriately. Players, coaches, and umpires have the right to participate in the game without being subjected to abuse or distractions from outside the playing field.

Examples of unacceptable behavior include but are not limited to: showing disrespect to umpires, opposing players, coaches, parents, and league administrators including: taunting, insulting language, angry outbursts, gestures, and physical aggression. The consumption of alcohol is not permitted at B.C.M.B.A. sanctioned games.

Coaches are expected to make their best efforts to ensure these expectations are met by their parents and supporters.

Any parent or spectator that fails to meet these expectations may be asked to leave the area surrounding the field by the umpires. The umpire may speak directly to the individual being asked to leave or may chose to have the appropriate coach communicate this decision to the parent. If a parent or spectator refuses to leave the area surrounding the field the umpire may suspend the game without making any judgment as to the final score, which will be determined by the B.C.M.B.A.

Any B.C.M.B.A. director may request that a parent or spectator leave the area surrounding the field of play as per the requirements of Rule 14.

The B.C.M.B.A. may review any reports submitted in writing regarding unacceptable parent behavior and issue discipline as they feel warranted.

13.09 Travesty of the Game

This rule will apply to all B.C.M.B.A. sanctioned games, with particular emphasis in tournament situations. Travesty of the game is defined as an attempt to intentionally lengthen or shorten a game or manipulate the score of a game by any means that has players “not playing to win”. This would include batters or runners obviously attempting to
make outs, pitchers obviously trying to miss the strike zone when pitching and fielders obviously trying to make errors. The penalties for making a travesty of the game will be: firstly, the ejection of the manager and Rule 13.12 (a) shall apply. This rule may be enforced by the umpires or a tournament director. Secondly, if a travesty continues; default of the game and if continued during a tournament, disqualification of the team from the remainder of the tournament. Written reports by umpires will be forwarded to the B.C.M.B.A. Discipline Chair as soon as practically possible. Additional sanctions may be levied by the B.C.M.B.A. Discipline Chair at any time, and may extend to the players involved.

13.10 Artificial noise makers

That artificial noise makers, including but not limited to air horns, cow bells, thunder sticks, and bottles filled with rocks, are not permitted to be used by players, coaches, and spectators.

13.11 Non-Confrontational or Verbal Abuse between Coaches, Players and Umpires
13.11.1 FOR 15U AND OLDER
  1. Any Umpire’s decision which involves judgment, such as, but not limited to, whether a batted ball is fair or foul, whether a pitch is a strike or a ball, or whether a runner is safe or out, is final. No player, manager, coach or substitute shall object to any such judgment decisions. Players leaving their position in the field or on base, or managers or coaches leaving the bench or coaches box, to argue on BALLS AND STRIKES will not be permitted. The Umpire will warn them if they start for the plate to protest the call. If they continue, they will be ejected from the game.
  2. If a manager has reasonable doubt that any Umpire’s decision (excluding judgement calls) may be in conflict with the rules, the manager may request to approach the Umpire to and ask that a review of the ruling be made. Such request shall be made only to the umpire who made the decision. The Umpire may reject a review.
  3. If the Umpire permits the review of the decision, the umpire making the decision may ask another umpire for information before making a final decision. If the umpires consult after a play and change a call that had been made, then they have the authority to take all steps that they may deem necessary, in their discretion, to eliminate the results and consequences of the earlier call that they are reversing, including placing runners where they think those runners would have been after the play, had the ultimate call been made as the initial call, disregarding interference or obstruction that may have occurred on the play; failures of runners to tag up based upon the initial call on the field; runners passing other runners or missing bases; etc., all in the discretion of the umpires. No player, manager or coach shall be permitted to argue the exercise of the umpires’ discretion in resolving the play and any person so arguing shall be subject to ejection.
  4. A manager is permitted to ask the umpires for an explanation of the play and how the umpires have exercised their discretion to eliminate the results and consequences of the earlier call that the umpires are reversing. Once the umpires explain the result of the play, however, no one is permitted to argue that the umpires should have exercised their discretion in a different manner.
  5. Nothing set out in Section 13.11 (b) through (d) will prevent the right to protest under any other Section of this Rulebook.
  6. Exception to 13.11.1 (a): The manager or the catcher may request the plate umpire to ask their partner for help on a half swing when the plate umpire calls the pitch a ball, but not when the pitch is called a strike. The plate Umpire will consult with the other umpire for a determination which will be final. On a half swing, if the manager comes out to argue with first or third base umpire and if after being warned if they persist in arguing, they can be ejected as they are now arguing over a called ball or strike. The ball is in play on appeal on a half swing;
  7. Players, Coaches and Managers may request the Umpire to call “Time” or raise a safety concern;
  8. Further, Coaches, Players and Spectators may NOT:
    1. argue any call by making comments to a third party
    2. make any gesture or comments that shows public disagreement with an umpire’s decision

Contravention will result in the person being ejected from the game.


Before, during or after a game coaches or players may not approach an umpire for any
reason except that they may:

  1. attend the plate meeting;
  2. request the Umpire to call “Time”;
  3. raise a safety concern;
  4. approach the Umpire to make a substitution on defense or offence;
  5. request the plate umpire to ask their partner for help on a half swing when the plate umpire calls the pitch a ball, but not when the pitch is called a strike. The plate Umpire will consult with the other umpire for a determination which will be final;
  6. approach the Umpire to protest a game based on an interpretation of the Rule of Baseball on terms as set out in this Rulebook. (No protests are allowed at 11U and
    younger divisions.)
  7. shake the Umpires hands post game;
  8. thank the umpires and or offer words of encouragement;
  9. Coaches and/or Players at any time may NOT:
    1. Argue any Umpire’s decision which involves judgment, such as, but not limited to, whether a batted ball is fair or foul, whether a pitch is a strike or a ball, or whether a runner is safe or out, is final. No player, manager, coach or substitute shall object to any such judgment decisions. Players leaving their position in the field or on base, or managers or coaches leaving the bench or coaches box, to argue on BALLS AND STRIKES will not be permitted. The umpire shall immediately eject any manager, coach, player or team representative that continues to approach an umpire after his/her decision has been made;
    2. harass or verbally abuse any official on the field of play before, during or after any game. Contravention will result will be the person being ejected from the game subject to further possible discipline by B.C.M.B.A.
    3. on a half swing, if the manager comes out to argue with first or third base umpire they can be ejected as they are now arguing over a called ball or strike.
13.12 Automatic Suspension

If a member of the coaching staff and/or player is ejected from a game (exception Provincial Championships), they may not participate in their next scheduled game.

If a member of the coaching staff and/or player is ejected from the first game of a “Double Header”, they may not participate in the second game.


  1. Any player, coach, or spectator who is ejected from a game is automatically suspended for one additional game
  2. In the event of a second ejection during the season the individual will automatically be suspended for three additional games.
  3. In the event of a third ejection during the season the individual will automatically be suspended indefinitely pending the review of the discipline committee
13.13 Discipline Process and Procedures
  1. B.C.M.B.A. Discipline Chair will receive an ejection report and/or allegation of misconduct from the Umpire and/or Complainant.
  2. B.C.M.B.A. Discipline Chair will review and forward the ejection report and/or the allegations of misconduct to the BC Minor division chair or Director for that division and the affiliated association President. In the case of the B.C.M.B.A. Discipline Chair levying an Automatic Suspension under 13.12 (a) or (b), the B.C.M.B.A. Division Chair or Director will then circulate an email notice to the appropriate member Association President and request confirmation by said President that the specific discipline has been acted on. If further disciplinary action deemed to be required by the B.C.M.B.A. Discipline Chair, outside Rule 13.12 – Automatic Suspension, then (c) to (e) below shall apply.
  3. Local Affiliated Association President will forward the ejection report and/or allegations of misconduct to the person indicated in ejection report and /or allegations of misconduct; then
  4. If the Discipline Chair deems the misconduct in the ejection report warrants greater discipline than an Automatic Suspension under 13.12, the B.C.M.B.A. Discipline Chair will demand a written submission from the Affiliated Association President who will make the same demand of the person indicated in the ejection report. Upon receiving a demand for a written submission from the Affiliated Association President, the Person indicated in the ejection report and/or allegations of misconduct will respond directly to their local Affiliated Association President with their statement of defense. Additionally, they may provide written statements (which must be sent to the Affiliated Association President directly) by witnesses. The B.C.M.B.A. Discipline Chair will determine the time frame for all written submissions to be submitted to the local Affiliated Association President and subsequently to B.C.M.B.A. for review.
  5. B.C.M.B.A. Discipline Chair and/or Committee will review all written statements submitted, answers to follow up questions which may be required (by all parties involved) and will render a written decision to the Affiliated Association President within seventy-two (72) hours of receiving all required information from the Affiliated Association President.

    1. All discipline files will be handled by means of Written Submissions, unless (ii) or (iii) is applied
    2. The B.C.M.B.A. Discipline Chair, when necessary determines that an Oral Hearing is required. If required, a neutral location will be determined by the B.C.M.B.A. Discipline Chair. All Oral Hearings will be heard by a minimum of three (3) B.C.M.B.A. Board of Directors and/or representatives appointed by the Discipline Chair. If granted B.C.M.B.A. will be responsible for all expenses related to the Oral Hearing
    3. The Local Association President may request in writing to B.C.M.B.A. Discipline Chair for an Oral Hearing, a decision will be rendered within forty-eight (48) hours. All Oral Hearings will be heard by a minimum of three (3) B.C.M.B.A. Board of Directors and/or representatives appointed by the Discipline Chair. If granted, the Local Association will be responsible for all expenses
      related to the Oral Hearing (ie: Mileage, Airfare, Bridge Tolls, Ferry, Meals, Meeting location)
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