Player Call Up Procedure
- All player call ups MUST be administered by the division coordinator to which the player is being called up to. (i.e. If a team in 11U has a need for a call up, then this call up will be arranged by the 11U Coordinator).
- In no circumstance may coaching staff initiate player call ups or contact the player directly without the permission of the division coordinator.
- Each division coordinator should put together a list of 10 or so of the strongest players interested in call ups and provide this to the coordinator for the next level up, so they are able to manage the call ups for their division. (i.e. the 9U Coordinator will provide a list to the 11U Coordinator, the 11U Coordinator will provide a list to the 13U Coordinator, etc…).
- Player call ups will be rotated across the teams in the division. No team will be provided with the same player for each call up as this would be inequitable (the only exclusion for this is call ups for A to AA or AA to AAA).
- Players MUST NOT exceed the limits specified in Rule 5.06 and division coordinators will ensure this is the case.
Rule 5.06 – Temporary Call Up
The maximum number of games a player may play in an older age group.
- 9U – 5 games plus one tournament at the 11U level only.
- 11U – 3 games plus one tournament at the 13U level only.
- 13U – 4 games plus one tournament at the 15U level only.
- 15U – 8 games at the 18U level only.
- 18U – 12 games at a higher level.
- Players being called up will NOT be allowed to pitch except 18U may pitch in 25U. Pitching within a division is allowed (i.e. 15U A to 15U AA).
Failure to comply with these rules and requirements could result in team/coach/league sanctions as well as potential player ineligibility for post season.