Summer Ball

  • Overview
  • 5U
  • 7U
  • 9U
  • 11U
  • 13U
  • 15U
  • 18U


Note: If you are playing on one of our single season teams (13U AAA, 15U AA, 15U AAA, or 18U AAA) you do NOT need to register in our summer season.

As part of the BC Minor Baseball system, North Shore Baseball Association offers a comprehensive and inclusive Summer Ball program for all levels of players from 9U  – 18U.  It is not limited to just a select group of “All Stars”.  To be able to play in Summer Ball, you need to have played in our Spring Season this year.

Our programs run from the end of June to the beginning of August and teams will play other leagues in the Lower Mainland with regular games plus potential tournaments.  In most cases, we do our best to accommodate larger rosters because we know players may also have other unavoidable summer commitments.  More details are provided by division.

Please register by June 10th. To register and for the summer rates, please visit


Born in Years: 2018 & 2017
Ages (as of Jan. 1st): 3 – 4

At the 5U division, NSBA is considering its capability to offer programming at this age for the period from July 1 – July 30. Additional details will come from the division coordinators in the coming days if we are able to offer this programming.


Born in Years: 2016 & 2015
Ages (as of Jan. 1st): 5 – 6

At the 7U division, NSBA is considering its capability to offer programming at this age for the period from July 1 – July 30. Additional details will come from the division coordinators in the coming days if we are able to offer this programming.


Born in Years: 2014 & 2013
Ages (as of Jan. 1st): 7 – 8

At the 9U division, the league traditionally forms both an 8U (machine pitch) and 9U (player pitch) team. The teams then connect with other similar age teams in the lower mainland to self-schedule exhibition games and attend 2-3 tournaments. The time commitment for summer play at this age is typically 2-3 practices and up to 2 games per week, but this will ultimately be decided by the head coach of each team.


Born in Years: 2012 & 2011
Ages (as of Jan. 1st): 9 – 10

At the 11U division, NSBA intends to form at least an 11U AAA team, with 11U AA and A (first year players only) teams fielded based on registration and coach availability. The teams will play a full season for summer play, organized by BC Minor, with players remaining generally within regions (ie Lower Mainland). The activity level of the summer teams at this age is generally 2-3 practices per week with 2-3 games per week. There will be a year-end provincial championship tournament which teams will qualify for based on season play. NSBA will fund one additional tournament per team.


Born in Years: 2010 & 2009
Ages (as of Jan. 1st): 11 – 12

Note: If you are playing on one of our single season team(s) (13U AAA) you do NOT need to register in our summer season.

At the 13U division, as the AAA level is formed as a single season team, the association will form two 13U AA teams and will consider a single A team based on registration and coach availability. The teams will play a full season for summer play, organized by BC Minor, with players remaining generally within regions (ie Lower Mainland). The activity level of the AA team is generally very busy, with 2+ practices per week and busy game schedules which may include select doubleheaders. A teams are more active than spring play but generally play a more relaxed game schedule than AA. There will be a year-end provincial championship tournament for each tier and NSBA will fund one additional tournament per team. For 2022, NSBA is the host of the 13U AA provincial championship!


Born in Years: 2008 & 2007
Ages (as of Jan. 1st): 13 – 14

Note: If you are playing on one of our single season team(s) (15U AA, or 15U AAA) you do NOT need to register in our summer season.

At the 15U division, as the AAA and AA levels are formed as single season teams, the association will form a single A team with players selected based on merit from those interested. The team will play a full season for summer play, organized by BC Minor, with players remaining generally within regions (ie Lower Mainland). The activity level of the summer teams at this age is generally 2-3 practices per week with 2-3 games per week. There will be a year-end provincial championship tournament and NSBA will fund one additional tournament for this team.


Born in Years: 2006, 2005, & 2004
Ages (as of Jan. 1st): 15 – 17

Note: If you are playing on one of our single season team(s) (18U AAA) you do NOT need to register in our summer season.

At the 18U division, as the AAA level is formed as a single season team, the association will form a single AA team with players selected based on merit from those interested. The team will play a full season for summer play, organized by BC Minor, with players remaining generally within regions (ie Lower Mainland). The activity level of the summer teams at this age is generally 2 practices per week with 1-2 games per week, but this may vary significantly based on player and coach availability and interest. Additional detail will be communicated by the division coordinator. There will be a year-end provincial championship tournament and NSBA will fund one additional tournament for this team.

Copyright © 2025 North Shore Baseball Association