Executive Committee Policy

North Shore Baseball Association Executive Committee Policy

Electronic Copy – Revision 1 (February 2020)


The Executive Committee (“Committee”) is responsible for exercising the powers of the Board in the day to day management of the association, including the expenditure of the association’s funds in accordance with the approved budget of the association by the Board of Directors (“Board”).


The Committee, and its members individually, shall have the authority to make all operational decisions for the association in order to further the goals of the association in delivering high quality baseball programming to its members. The Committee shall further have the authority in an emergency situation to take whatever action they deem necessary to protect the interests and assets of the association.

The Committee shall not have the authority to adopt, amend or repeal any formal association policies, bylaws, or any other such action which has been reserved for action by the full Board pursuant to the association’s policies or bylaws, or which the Committee is otherwise prohibited by law or by resolution of the Board to take.


The Committee shall be comprised of at least the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary as well as the Registrar(s) and immediate Past President of the association (provided these roles also hold a position as a Director). Additional members may be added for any given year by the Board. All members of the Executive will declare and exclude themselves from any discussions and decisions related to any matter for which there is a conflict of interest (as defined by the NSBA Conflict of Interest Policy). The President shall serve as the chair of the Committee unless recused due to conflict in which case the Vice President will act as Chair.


The Committee shall meet as required in person or remotely via email or other mechanisms to carry out its responsibilities. The Committee may take action without a formal meeting by making and passing a motion through electronic means such as email. Any electronic vote shall take place over a 48 hour period unless identified in advance to be of an urgent or emergency nature.


A majority of the members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. A majority vote of the members present shall constitute the action or decision of the Committee.


All Committee meetings at which actions are taken which bind the association to any operational or financial commitments will have minutes taken. The Committee will also report out to the Board through the President at all regular Board meetings.


The following examples are not intended to be exclusive but rather to guide the Committee in considering when to refer an issue to the Board for a formal vote.


    • Purchase of equipment and uniforms within approved budget
    • Purchase of services to deliver baseball activities within approved budget and within overall approved program structure
    • Deviation from approved budget of up to [10%] for any one category or up to [5%] in aggregate for the year
    • Selection of coaches
    • Approval of rosters for tiered divisions
    • Final allocation of teams within a division
    • Selection of service providers
    • Disciplinary issues (unless a Discipline Committee is formed)


    • Capital investments, including single equipment items with a value of [$3,000] or more
    • Appeal of disciplinary decisions of the Committee or Discipline Sub-Committee
    • Deviation from budget of greater than [10%] in a single category or more than [5%] in aggregate for the year
    • Overall structure of teams within a division (tiering, local versus interlock play)
    • Approval of overall program structure for in-season and off-season training
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