BC Minor Baseball Coaches Conference 2021

March 14, 2021

On behalf of myself and the Board of Directors for NSBA, we would like to thank you for volunteering your time and effort to support our players this season.

I personally have had a great experience coaching my son from 7U all the way up to coaching his 15U team this season. It is a great way to be involved in this community and get to know many other great people. As a volunteer, everyone has an important role to play. Whether it is as a Head Coach, Assistant Coach, Scorekeeper, pitch count, field prep, photo day, manager,… it takes us all to make it work. I know you will enjoy this opportunity to be a part of your child’s baseball experience this season.

As a Director and Coach Coordinator, my role is to support you (our NSBA coaches) with helpful information, resources and guidance as needed. Please feel free to reach out to me now or anytime during the season if you think I can be of assistance. I am happy to help however I can.

We encourage everyone to review the Certification Pathway (link below), which has valuable information on the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP); a registry that provides coaching resources, certifications, events and contacts for all amateur sports in Canada. Whether you are already registered with the NCCP or just starting your coaching journey, NSBA will support your advancement by coordinating training sessions and reimbursing you for the fees for your commitment to NSBA this season.

I will be sending emails to each age group this week with specific information on the certification requirements and other relevant details on the NCCP baseball programs.

Please spend some time familiarizing yourself with this pathway and what is appropriate for you and your age group. If you need further guidance or help registering yourself, I am absolutely available for helping you in this process.

I am also available to answer any questions you may have and share any resources I’ve acquired over the years (coaching and practice handbooks). I will also be making rounds during the season to visit each of the teams at their fields, to meet the coaches and introduce myself.

In closing, I truly believe that coaching is a privilege and baseball is an experience. I encourage every parent to get involved in whatever capacity they feel comfortable, and I will help you (our coaches) in any way I can to help achieve that end.


Rob Siska
Director and Coach Coordinator
North Shore Baseball Association


In order to register for NCCP courses, you will need an NCCP# which you obtain at the link below. Also, with the NCCP# you will have access to the online content of NCCP including practice plans and other useful information for multiple sports.

NCCP Certification Pathway link:


COACHES CONFERENCE FLYER is a flyer for the BC Minor Baseball Annual Coaches Conference (March 26th-28th). In past years this has proven to be a great experience, filled with knowledgeable speakers and tips on how to develop our skills as coaches. The registration information is below. NOTE: Coaches who register for this Coaches Conference get 50% discount rates for your subsequent training sessions. (This is cost savings to NSBA as it will be reimbursing you for these costs).

COACHES CONFERENCE FLYER – NCCP Training is an outline of the training schedules available this year (2021). Coaches who register for the Coaches Conference (above) get priority enrollment for their course selections.

Copyright © 2025 North Shore Baseball Association