It is hard to believe another season of baseball is less than six months away. The NSBA came together last year and really surpassed the odds in terms of families playing baseball and the success we had through our spring and summer baseball season. It is truly amazing what can be accomplished together as a baseball community.
Tonight we write to you to ask you to to come together as a baseball community once again. One of our own coaches/parents is battling a rare form of cancer, for the second time in less than 2 years. Jay Piggot, a dedicated and passionate NSBA 9U (Tadpole) coach (also a former Forest Hills coach) must head down south to Washington state for some special cancer treatment in November.
For those of you who do not know Jay, he is bigger than life, always smiling and would give you the shirt off his back.
Any amount of donation helps to support Jay and his family to ensure he beats this battle again and is back on the field coaching his son and his team for the 2018 ball season.
Fundraiser: Help Support Jay Piggot
Story: Global News
The NSBA Executive truly thanks you for your support.